About CSC
Common Services Centers (CSC) are an integral part of the Digital India mission. They are access points for the delivery of Digital India services to rural and remote areas across the country and contribute towards the fulfillment of the vision of Digital India and the Government’s mandate for a digitally and financially inclusive society.
CSCs offer assisted access to e-services in India, focusing on enhancing governance. Apart from delivering essential government and public utility services, CSCs also deliver a range of social welfare schemes, financial services, educational courses, skill development courses, healthcare, agriculture services, and digital literacy.
CSC e-Governance Services India Limited
CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, a Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV), has been set up by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology ( MeitY) to oversee the implementation of the Common Services Center Scheme that is a part of the Digital India project. CSC SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) provides a centralized collaborative Government service delivery framework for the delivery of services to citizens through Common Services Centers, besides ensuring the systemic viability and sustainability of the Scheme.
Banking Services
In pursuance of the RBI guidelines issued in September, 2010, as part of its Financial Inclusion mandate, announced in the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11, CSC E-Governance Services India Limited was engaged as a corporate Business Correspondent by various Banks (Public Sector Banks, Regional Rural Bank and Private Sector Banks) for enabling CSCs to become Business Correspondent Agents/Customer service points to deliver various banking and financial services in a number of States across the country.
Loan Services
Loans are a type of financing in which money is borrowed from an individual, corporation or other entity and repaid with interest. The borrower (or recipient) incurs a debt that they are typically obligated to pay interest and repay the principal on.
CSC launched Loan Bazaar, a market place for availing various kinds of loans in a simplified manner. Through this service VLEs are able to assist citizens residing in rural/urban areas for attaining loans—and other financial instruments—in an efficient and hassle-free way.